The official blog for Numerous. Life's most important numbers available at a glance.

Announcing Numerous Integration with Zapier

Charlie Wood
02 May 2014


Ever since we released our first beta, people have been asking us how they can easily and automatically update their numbers in Numerous with data from their existing apps like Salesforce, MailChimp, Evernote, and Eventbrite. Today we're thrilled to provide the answer by introducing Numerous on Zapier.

Zapier connects hundreds of web applications together by letting you build "zaps", integrations consisting of a Trigger app (like Salesforce) and an Action app (like Numerous) like this:

Salesforce-Numerous Zap

The Numerous app on Zapier allows you take a number from any Trigger app and use it to Replace or Add To a number in Numerous. Here are a couple of our favorite zaps:

By creating zaps on Zapier using Numerous as an Action app, you can automatically update numbers from a wide array applictions. Please let us know how you use it! And of course, if you ever run into any problems or have any questions don't hesitate to contact us at

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